Autumn like in a Dream...
Autumn colors from the train, sunset time.
Autumn like in a Dream...
Autumn colors from the train, sunset time.
Kanoniersky Island, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Kanonersky Island, one of Saint Petersburg Islands, an old artillery gunpowder depotwas built on the island. It has a post-industrialist favour. Nowadays ships pass near the island through the ship canal to the dam and further. Some docks and piers are working around, a highway is under construction. I went there on a wild photographic tourwith russian friends trying to find signs of decay, and there are many!
Canon 5dMarkIII, Canon 25-105mm, ISO 100, f/11, 1/320s
Chilling out on a summer evening, New Holland, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Intallation on the renovated park @ Novaya Golandia, New Holland Island, Sain Petersburg Russia. The derelict Island is getting a face lifting, here people chilling out on a summer evening, under the very sexy mobile intalation by ??
Panorama out of two pictures, Canon 5DmarkIII, Canon T&S 17mm; f/8; 1/8 sec, ISO 100 on tripod
Grand entrance to New Holland Island, long fell into neglect, Saint Petersburg, Russia
New Holland Island was created in 1719. After the Russian Revolution its buildings fell into neglect, Here photographed at sunset at about 22h30 hours, still the White Nights period. It has a nostalgic and derelict touch. This grand entrance is not grand anymore, but a stop for tourists boats surfing the channels of Saint Petersburg.
Technical data: Canon 5dMark III, Lenses: Canon TS 17mm, long exposure (4 seconds), f/8 ISO 100, 17mm, tripod, post production with Lightroom and Photoshop