288_Final shooting by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography

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8 months ago I was commissioned to document this Rooftop Extension by Swiss Architects JUCKER ARCHITECTURES in Geneva. You can see part of the project on my wesite under “Athennée” and “Athenée II” (From the inside). We were waiting for the summer in order to have some green leaves to complete the commission with some exterior /fassade pictures. I just finished this last part some days ago. I love the way modern and tradition melt together. What do you think>?

287_CEVA Open doors by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography

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This weekend I had the oportunity to discover the almost completed CEVA works, a light rail proyect in Geneva, Switzerland, whose exterior was commissiones to the great French architect Jean Nouvel. I braved the extremely hot weather and tried to find the most interesting angles. I was also lucky with my improvised subjets just matching the colours :)

285_Musique!! by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography

Last night… Fête de la Musique…. what a delight for the soul listening to this fabulous OSR orchestra and being able to catch moments of beauty with my camera… total bliss

In the picture, Japanese (?) violinist from the Swiss Romande Orchestra (OSR), before the concert.

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280_In the country of ZEN by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography

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Visiting Japanese gardens is a highly spiritual experience, a moment of total calm and relaxation. The sounds of running water and singing birds, the scent of flowers, the aparently wild, but perfectly studied composition, all invites to forget about anything but the present moment. What can be more important than the contemplation of a water lilly or a tree? A Japanese woman taught me that “every day is a good day”, food for thought while scrolling in Kyoto gardens.

274 Getting to know Guggenheim by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography


Last shooting of the year: On my way back from France after celebrating Christmas I had a first try at this impressive construction by Frank Gehry. I will add it to my to do list of photography.

The building: The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a museum of modern and contemporary art designed by Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry, and located in Bilbao, Spain.. It was inaugurated in 1997. Built alongside the Nervion River, which runs through the city of Bilbao to the Cantabrian Sea, it is one of several museums belonging to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and features permanent and visiting exhibits of works by Spanish and international artists.