224/365 challenge by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography

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Le Louvre Abu Dhabi Project - day 3

"A double dome offering horizontal, perfectly radiating geometry, a randomly perforated woven material, providing shade punctuated by bursts of sun. The dome gleams in the Abu Dhabi sunshine. At night, this protected landscape is an oasis of light under a starry dome.

A vast dome, 180 metres in diameter, covers the majority of the museum city and is visible from the sea, the surrounding areas and Abu Dhabi city. This dome was constructed by the Austrian company Waagner Biro who specialize in steel structures. The dome consists of eight different layers: four outer layers clad in stainless steel and four inner layers clad in aluminium separated by a steel frame five metres high. The frame is made of 10,000 structural components pre-assembled into 85 super-sized elements, each weighing up to 50 tonnes. "

Enjoying my personal photographic project in Abu Dhabi- Day 3 



223 challenge by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography

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Le Louvre Abu Dhabi Project - day 2

"It is both a calm and complex place. A contrast amongst a series of museums that cultivate their differences and their authenticities.  It is a project founded on a major symbol of Arab architecture: the dome. But here, with its evident shift from tradition, the dome is a modern proposal."

Some words by Jean Nouvel, great architect, winner of the Pritzker Price and designer of Le Louvre Abu Dhabi, opened last November. 

Enjoying my personal photographic project to the full!

222/365 challenge by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography

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Louvre Abu Dhabi project - day 1

Masterwork by the Pritzker winner architect Jean Nouvel

On his own words: " It wishes to create a welcoming world serenely combining light and shadow, reflection and calm. It wishes to belong to a country, to its history, to its geography (...). It also aims at emphasising the fascination generated by rare encounters.

This picture is part of a 3 day personal proyect at the Louvre Abu Dhabi. A true photographic discovery.

213/365 challenge by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography

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Daniil Trifonov, exceptional Russian pianist, at 26 is touring the world and playing in the biggest concert halls. We had the great luck of listening to him in Geneva, where he amazed us all with his "Hommage a Chopin", an unusual programm full of surprises.

Here he is, concentrating before the concert. I was quite far away but had a powerful lense in my bag this time.

211/365 challenge by Carolina Negel _Architectural Photography

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Festival Antigel, Geneva

Botanical garden as a huge scenery for a science-fi show at night by -4 degrèes...extraordinary experience.

""Nous sommes les derniers de l’espèce à garder le foyer. Notre foyer." Votre foyer, en vrai. Car avec cette histoire à rêver sur nos deux pieds, fabriquée par l’auteur Fabrice Melquiot, vous serez plongés dans une galaxie inconnue d’une saveur sauvage. Une planète fictive gorgée de végétaux, où les serres communiquent par la lumière et où des bestioles presque humaines cohabitent dans une étendue de poésie fantastique. "Botanica" traduit admirablement l’envie du festival de faire redécouvrir le Jardin botanique dans un court voyage sensoriel singulier. Un conte sur les oreilles, des chorégraphies végétales sous les pupilles et des jeux de faisceaux oniriques impalpables qui soulignent par la même occasion l’importance de la flore et de sa conservation."

Show produced by Festival antigel & Eric Linder at Geneva's Botanical gardens